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Writing Habits

Advice on Organization and Productivity

Are Your Goals SMART *and* SANE?

In a guest post on John Fox's blog, Catherine Lanser offers suggestions for setting writing goals that don't make you crazy. You may have heard of...

Do You Have the Writeforce?

In a post on DIY MFA, Mason Engel shares the secret of maintaining the motivation and discipline to write. "As a writer, you’ve probably finished...

Sometimes Motivation Isn’t Enough

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Allison Williams says that motivation alone doesn't finish books. "Finishing your book isn’t actually about motivation,"...

Celebrate Your Wins!

Writing a novel is a long process. We almost always work alone and for months (or years) at a time. Other than personal gratification,...

Tips for Building Habits that Help You Reach Your Goals

In a guest post on Writers Helping Writers, Jordan Kantey offers tips to help you reach your writing goals. "The joy of having finished...

Did the Pandemic Change Your Writing Habits?

In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, Dan Moren shares lessons he learned writing his fourth novel, The Nova Incident. "Despite having now...

Are Your Productivity Goals Toxic?

Productivity is a great habit and it's necessary for meeting your writing goals. However, the drive to constantly do more and do it faster...

Writers Write.

In a guest post on C.S. Lakin's blog, Nina Amir offers advice for starting a reliable writing habit. "To become a writer, you must first...

Is Writing on Your To-Do List?

In a post on Lit Hub, Lily Chu says a good list can keep your writing goals on track. "If we are what we do,...

Are You a Good Writer?

In a guest post on C.S. Lakin's blog, E.M. Foster says that even though "good" writing is subjective, there are still ways we can consider...


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