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Writing Habits

Advice on Organization and Productivity

Pain Means It’s Time to Go Deeper

In a new "Writing Wednesdays" post, Steven Pressfield shares an inspirational quote from Olympic gold medalist swimmer John Naber. When asked the difference between...

A Watched Story Never Boils

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Jyotsna Sreenivasan says that sometimes we need to set a story aside to allow it to...

Feel Like You’re Running Out of Time? You Are.

We don't share too many articles on productivity, especially those focused on finding time to write, generally because they get a bit same-y after...

Truman Capote: Voice is a Process of Self-Discovery

Truman Capote embodied the concept of "extra" before it was a thing. While we might have found his company a bit much, there's no...

Improve Productivity by Adapting Time to Your Needs

Writers never seem to have enough time. When we sit down to write, our distractions pile on, our minds wander. And when we're productive,...

Not Hitting Your KPIs? Schedule a Staff Meeting With Yourself

With 2 months left in the year, it's a good time to check in on your writing goals. If you didn't quite make the...

Writers Write.

In a guest post on C.S. Lakin's blog, Nina Amir offers advice for starting a reliable writing habit. "To become a writer, you must first...

Journaling: The “Shadow Side” of Writing Practice

In a post on Lit Hub, Kate Folk examines how keeping a journal helps with her fiction writing. "Journaling forms the shadow side of my...

Just Write

A lot of beginning writers struggle with basic writing concepts, including...beginning. Should we write a premise first? Flesh out our characters? Describe all our...

Don’t Kill Yourself with Deadlines

Self-imposed deadlines are a good way to insert discipline into your writing process and keep yourself on track towards your goals. However, they can...


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