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The Writing Life

Advice on Organizing, Increasing Productivity, and Keeping the Words Flowing

Tips for Finding Writers’ Communties Online

In a new post, Mary Carroll Moore shares tips for finding an online writing group in a post-COVID world. "If you're working on a...

You Need to Give Yourself More Credit

Writers often track their progress based on the number of words or pages written, but a lot more than that goes into your work. In...

Writing Should be Fun

In a post on Lit Hub, Jane Roper says it's time to stop hating writing and get back to having fun. "When I first...

Are You Wasting Time Reading This?

In a new post, Angela Ackerman suggests ways we can all waste less time when we write. "On one hand, we may putter a...

Who’s On Your Writer’s Playground Team?

In a post on DIY MFA, Julie Carrick Dalton says there are five friends every writer needs. "Writers love to talk about their books, their friends’s...

You Can’t Always Give 100% but You Can Give 2 Minutes

In a new post, Tiffany Yates Martin says you don't always have to do your best. "We’re inculcated, particularly in American culture, with messages...

In a Rut? Shake Up Your Routines

Most writers eventually get a little burned out - what we generally call writer's block - but we can also get into creative ruts...

Does Your Brain Needs Flushing Out?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Kelsey Allagood says now's a good time to give your creativity a spring cleaning. "When my mind feels...

Get Perspective on Your Writerly Anxiety

In a post on DIY MFA, Julie Slaughter shares her experiences with anxiety and offers tips for how to manage through it. "What’s so dangerous...

Be Positive!

In a post on Killzone, Sue Coletta offers advice on adopting a writing mindset. For Coletta, this mindset starts first thing in the morning....


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