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Writer's Block

Advice for When You’re Stuck

What Makes You Uncomfortable?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Leslie Budewitz suggests that writers avoid their work when they approach something that makes them uncomfortable. She offers...

Lowered Expectations: Dealing with Writer’s Block

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Evelyne Gauhàthier offers advice for overcoming writer's block. "If it makes you feel any better, many writers,...

10 Exercises to Help You Finish Your Story

In a post on the Script Lab blog, David Young offers ten suggestions for getting unstuck. Our favorites: Write a scene using only dialogue ...

Create a Sanctuary for Your Creative Self

If you're like this editor, you start a lot of projects but don't always finish, or take your sweet time doing it. In a...

Your Life is Not a YouTube Video – You Don’t Need...

One of the hardest parts of writing is turning off the voices in your head - not your characters but the rotten voices telling...

Writer’s Block: A Thing or Not a Thing?

Writer's block: Is it a thing? Or a figment of your imagination? We're of the opinion that writer's block is not a diagnosable condition but...

Tips for Beating a Writing Slump

We share a lot of articles offering encouragement and mild mental health advice because writers need encouragement and some of us could use a...

Road Trip for Fun and Inspiration!

When writer Nick Petrie got stuck for ideas for his new novel, he loaded up his camping gear and took a road trip. "Now, I...

Self-Doubt is Inevitable, Wallowing Isn’t

During an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, William Kenower offers his advice on how we can recognize self-doubt, write with confidence, and double...

4 Steps to Reclaiming Your Writing Mojo

The last few years have been tough. Many of us have faced health or financial setbacks and all our lives have been disrupted. We've...


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