Writing Habits

Advice on Organization and Productivity

Feel Like You’re Running Out of Time? You Are.

We don't share too many articles on productivity, especially those focused on finding time to write, generally because they get a bit same-y after...

Attack Your Writing When It Least Expects It

A post on the Writers Write blog shares writing advice from renowned SF forefather H.G. Wells. We love #1: "If you are in difficulties...

Write With Your Eyes Closed

In a post on Killzone, James Scott Bell suggests that you try writing with your eyes closed. "If you close your eyes and let...

You Know What you Need? More.

The Writers Write blog shares YA author Gail Carson Levine’s (Ella Enchanted) seven rules for writing stories, taken from her book, Writing Magic: Creating...

You Can Train Yourself To Be A Writer

If it was easy, everyone would do it. Writing doesn't have to be hard and it shouldn't be a misery, but that doesn't mean you...

Create a Strategy for Your Writing Goals

In a post on BookBaby, Steven Spatz says creativity is necessary for your writing, but a strategy will help you meet your goals. Along with...


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