Writing Habits

Advice on Organization and Productivity

Want to Write Well? Read Well.

Most writers love to read and would admit that they become better writers the more they read. Nonetheless, many of us still have a...

Don’t Forget Your Reading Assignments

Writers love sharing Stephen King's advice about "killing your darlings" but will go to the mat insisting that his most relevant piece of advice...

Advice for Blocking Distractions and Getting Focused

The New Year is a good time to think about your writing habits and make adjustments that can help you reach your goals. In...

Writing Requires Learning, Practice, and Repetition.

In a post for Lit Hub, Jessie Greengrass (The High House) says what many writers refuse to acknowledge and others constantly whine about: writing...

Is This the Year You Get Around to Beating Procrastination?

Procrastination has censored more novels than any government. In a post on DIY MFA, Disha Walia offers six tips to beating this habit. "If you...

Building a Consistent Writing Practice

If you didn't meet your writing goals in 2021, don't fret. There's still time in 2022! You might need to update your habits though....

Not All 24 Hours are Created Equal

Like all good introverts, we hate change. But we will begrudgingly admit that sometimes we need to change and it's often for the better. In...

Tick Tock – Are You Ever Going to Finish That Novel?

To be a writer, you need only write. Sit down, put pen to paper, and voila. You are a writer of something. But to...

5 Tips for an End-of-Year Creative Review

It's that time of year - time for reflection and planning. In a post on the Stage 32 blog, S.K. Valenzuela says the New...

How to Keep Writing, Even When You’re Not

Most writers set some sort of productivity goals for themselves. It's important to keep yourself motivated and on-track to complete your projects. You don't...


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