Writing Habits

Advice on Organization and Productivity

Duck into the Wardrobe and Write!

In a guest post on C.S. Lakin's blog, Jim Denney shares the fast-writing secrets of C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia - but you...

Want to Succeed? You Have to Show Up

In a new post, Kristen Lamb says half the battle of writing is simply showing up. "Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything...

Don’t Kill Yourself with Deadlines

Self-imposed deadlines are a good way to insert discipline into your writing process and keep yourself on track towards your goals. However, they can...

Journaling: The “Shadow Side” of Writing Practice

In a post on Lit Hub, Kate Folk examines how keeping a journal helps with her fiction writing. "Journaling forms the shadow side of my...

Stuck? Here are 4 Tips to Get You Started Writing

In an article for Writer's Digest, Diana Abu-Jabermar suggests four ways to start writing your novel. They include: Mise En Place. "The writer’s mise...

A Watched Story Never Boils

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Jyotsna Sreenivasan says that sometimes we need to set a story aside to allow it to...

Just Write

A lot of beginning writers struggle with basic writing concepts, including...beginning. Should we write a premise first? Flesh out our characters? Describe all our...

If You Can’t Manage Something Big, Work on Something Small

We know, we know - another day, another share about writing habits and goals. It's a new year. It'll die down. In an article on...

Daily Words Add Up

Despite the heady rush of National Novel Writing Month and writers who claim to write 6-8 books a year, we are a firm proponent...

Your New Year’s Resolution Doesn’t Need to Change the World

Are you sick of reading about New Year's Writing Resolutions and ways to be more productive in 2022? We are too, maybe a little,...


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