Support Your Local Pervert

Like a pervert from a John Waters movie, Whipping Tom terrorized London women in the late 1600s by leaping out the shadows to spank...

The Bread-Baking Ghost of Big Sable Point Lighthouse

The Big Sable Point Light Station in Ludington, Michigan, is reportedly haunted by the ghost of a former lighthouse keeper. According to a volunteer...

The Real Jenny Diver

If you know the song Mack the Knife - and if you don't, you should - you're familiar with the name Jenny Diver, a...

The Scottish Nostradamus

Did you know there was a Scottish Nostradamus? In an article on Mysterious Universe, Brent Swancer has the story of this lost seer of...

The Adventures of History’s Youngest Pirates

We love kid gangs - from the Nazi fighters of 1940s comics to super-hero sidekicks, from the Goonies to Dumbledore's Army, kid gangs are...

Would You Do This Job?

An article on the British Newspaper Archive shares a number of unusual jobs that no longer exist. Some, like lamplighter and knocker-up (not a...

Prompt: Speak to the Dead

During an interview with the Write the Book podcast, Peter Stamm suggests you go to a cemetery and see what the stones tell you...

Writing Prompt: You and You and You

During an interview with the Write the Book podcast, poet Ralph Culver (A Passable Man) offers a prompt suggested by one of his poems....

Whatever Happened to Trout Fishing in America?

We love characters with funky names and a great origin story. In a post on Lit Hub, Walker Caplan shares the story of a college...


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