More Fun Nuns

We love a good story about rebellious nuns. During a 2015 archaeological dig near Oxford, England, excavators found 92 bodies buried in and around a...

Were the First Vampires Plague Carriers?

Archeologists discovered a 17th-century Polish 'vampire' with a sickle across its neck meant to prevent a return from the dead, as well as a...

The Undercover Cricketer

In a post on Singular Discoveries, Paul Brown shares the story of the Scotland Yard detective who went undercover as a cricket player to...

The Woman Who Wrote, Composed, and Inspired a Sex Doll

File this under "WHY?" Writer and composer Alma Mahler came from an artistic family. Her father was landscape artist Emil Jakob Schindler. After his death,...

The Three Rules for Dressing Fairies

Have you ever considered how fairies dress? A post on Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog shares three fashion rules: Uniformity but not uniforms. When seen...

The Robin Hood of WW2

During World War II, British soldier Jack Churchill went into battle armed with only a bow and arrows. An international archery competitor, Churchill joined...

A Rose by Any Other Name….

This isn't exactly a writing prompt, but it's...something. In the 1800s, London's sewer system wasn't exactly sophisticated. Body waste accumulated in cesspools or was dumped...

Prompt: Small-town Feud

This week's Write the Book prompt was inspired by guest Fiona Barton. For your prompt, writer about an altercation between a small town resident...

What Would Einstein Do?

Researchers do some crazy things in their pursuit of knowledge, not always to great results. In a post on The Debrief, Kenna Hughes-Castleberry describes a...

The Mild-Mannered Executioner

In a post on his blog, writer and history buff Marlin Bressi shares the fascinating life story of Frank Lee Wilson, an electrician, former...


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