The Bread-Baking Ghost of Big Sable Point Lighthouse

The Big Sable Point Light Station in Ludington, Michigan, is reportedly haunted by the ghost of a former lighthouse keeper. According to a volunteer...

Fun Nuns on the Run

In the late 1980s, the nuns of the Sisters of the Order of Poor Clare heard that their bishop planned to close their convent,...

The Undercover Cricketer

In a post on Singular Discoveries, Paul Brown shares the story of the Scotland Yard detective who went undercover as a cricket player to...

Who’s Your Wild Thing?

This week's Write the Book prompt was suggested by Jennifer McMahon, who suggests creating your own monster. Some of McMahon's suggestions: What type of monster...

Is Your Hero a Stupid Driver?

Lee Lofland shares some of the worst stupid drivers he came across while serving as a police officer. "I’ve long thought that Driving While Stupid...

The World’s Most Dogged Autograph Collector

Smithsonian Magazine reports the tale of Joseph Mikulec, an autograph collector who walked 100,000 miles over 14 years to collect the stories and signatures of...

The Woman Who Wrote, Composed, and Inspired a Sex Doll

File this under "WHY?" Writer and composer Alma Mahler came from an artistic family. Her father was landscape artist Emil Jakob Schindler. After his death,...

The Right Honorable Shoeblack Society

In many major cities, you were likely to find young boys and men eking out a living by shining shoes at train stations and...

The Violent Dance of the French Apaches

In early 20th century France, a section of the criminal underground invented their own subculture with a unique style of dress and behavior. Known...

The Robin Hood of WW2

During World War II, British soldier Jack Churchill went into battle armed with only a bow and arrows. An international archery competitor, Churchill joined...


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