Editing and Revisions

Hone Your Work to its Very Best Form

You Can Go Home Again – but is it Worth it?

In a recent post, Joanna Penn shares her experience rewriting a 10-year old draft of a manuscript that she actually published. During this episode...

Happy New Draft Day!

Some writers edit, some don't (They say they do, but what they really do is proofread before posting). Some writers need two or three...

Editing on a Budget

Continuing her Writer's Digest series on professional editing and revisions, Tiffany Yates Martin discusses the alternatives to paying for a professional edit. Professional editing services...

Editing a Drag? Try These Tips for Fresh Eyes

Editing is a tough chore, even for the experienced writer. If we knew what was wrong with our story in the first place, we'd...

Re-writing? Make Sure Every Draft Has a Purpose

When we write, it's easy to imagine we can get everything down in one draft. Our characters will be consistent but surprising, our plot...

Peter Ho Davies: Use Revision to Reflect on Your Story’s Possibilities

In a conversation with Lit Hub's First Draft podcast, Peter Ho Davies talks about his latest book, The Art of Revision, and why we...

Tips for Interviewing Your Editor

Continuing her Writer's Digest series on finding the right editor for your work, Tiffany Yates Martin discusses how to evaluate editing samples you've obtained...

The Importance of Revision

During an interview with the DIY MFA podcast, William Germano, professor of English at Cooper Union and former editor-in-chief at Columbia University Press, discusses...

Whose Advice is Right?

We've shared lots of advice on hiring an editor, including when you know it's time and how to find the right one. In a...

How Much Does an Editor Cost?

In a helpful post on DIY MFA, Jeannette Smith breaks down what you can expect to pay a professional editor for helping you develop,...


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