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Editing and Revisions

Hone Your Work to its Very Best Form

You Finished the First Draft. Now What?

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Amy Bernstein suggests a road map for getting past your first draft. "Contemplating what comes after...

Steeling Yourself for a Professional Opinion

Writers are encouraged to obtain feedback whenever possible, from friends, peers, critique groups, and readers. Honest feedback helps us identify our weak spots, find...

When It’s Time to Break Up With Your Story

In another Q&A on his blog, George Saunders answers a letter from a writer who wants to know when it's time to abandon a...

Sherry Thomas on Editing as You Go

In an interview with Tiffany Yates Martin, writer Sherry Thomas shares how she approaches the revision process. "I never developed into someone capable of outlining...

Don’t Waste Your Beta Readers’ Time

In a post on Novlr, Pamela Koehne-Drube offers advice for getting the most from your beta readers. "A beta reader is someone who reads...

Caitlin Starling: Listen to Your Critique Partners but Don’t Be Afraid...

Sometimes, the story in your head isn't what comes out on the page. That's what makes early readers and feedback so important, as Caitlin...

When to Edit Depends on Which Edit You Want

In a post on DIY MFA, Jeanette Smith discusses when you should start editing your work. "Is it okay to edit before we’re done...

You Can Go Home Again – but is it Worth it?

In a recent post, Joanna Penn shares her experience rewriting a 10-year old draft of a manuscript that she actually published. During this episode...

7 Myths About Developmental Editing

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Tiffany Yates Martin addresses some of the myths about developmental editors. "The explosion of indie and...

Are Beta Readers Any Good?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Barbara Linn Probst offers advice on how and when to use beta readers and whom to ask. "Typically,...


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