Editing and Revisions

Hone Your Work to its Very Best Form

Caitlin Starling: Listen to Your Critique Partners but Don’t Be Afraid...

Sometimes, the story in your head isn't what comes out on the page. That's what makes early readers and feedback so important, as Caitlin...

Watch Out for Unnecessary Redundant Words

In a post on Killzone, writer and writing coach James Scott Bell says writers should be wary of "gilding the lily" - over-explaining or...

Seven Steps to a Thorough Draft Edit

A post on Writer's Digest assembles 7 previous articles on how to prepare for editing your novel. The topics include: Creating a post-first-draft...

You Don’t Expect Your Publisher to Edit Your Book, Right?

In a post for Writer's Digest, Tiffany Yates Martin examines what a professional editor is and isn't, and why writers should consider using one. "Back...


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