Does the Perfect Book Title Exist?

Image courtesy geralt via Pixabay

We’re big believers in the importance of titles. Whether you are naming a short story, chapter, or novel, the right title can convey information to your reader and help you identify (and stick to) the theme and purpose of your story. In a recent post, C.S. Lakin offers advice for finding the perfect title for your book.

Lakin differentiates between fiction and non-fiction. For genre readers, a great book cover and back cover blurb might be enough to sell your book, but catching non-fiction readers is harder. Travel and recipe books have a leg up, but memoirs depend on strong titles. “People read nonfiction for information,” she writes. “It stands to reason, then, that it would be essential for an author of a nonfiction book to craft a title (and, if desired, a subtitle) that informs.”

That doesn’t mean titles aren’t important to fiction, but here the focus is genre. YA novels tend to have short 3-4 word titles. The titles of crime or thriller novels create mood and suspense. Beyond genre, your title will get extra credit for factoring in:

  • Theme
  • Motif
  • Conflict
  • Premise
  • Imagery