Indy v. Belloq was Only the Beginning

An article in the Daily Grail examines the ugly competition between alternative and mainstream archaeology, the basis for a gritty action-adventure thriller if we...

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Persons with Alice in Wonderland syndrome experience significant changes in their perception, without explanation. Objects may seem much larger than they are or appear...

Space Station Archaeology

A team of archaeologists is creating a record of life among astronauts on the International Space Station. The Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment (SQuARE)...

What Books are in the Lost Library of Ivan the Terrible?

The lost Golden Library of Ivan the Terrible was believed to have held ancient manuscripts and occult works and was possibly destroyed by fire....

The Mummy’s Curse

The opening of Tutankhamen's tomb was followed by the untimely deaths of prominent figures and archaeologists, leading many to believe in the Mummy's Curse....

My Kid Can Draw Better Than That!

Shades of Star Trek! Researchers have suggested that ancient plaques may have been the work of children, rather than religious artifacts. In reaching their...

These Rocks are Alive!

Or maybe not. But they look cool! In Romania, the small town of Costesti boasts boulders--called trovants or living rocks--that excrete smaller versions of themselves,...


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