
Advice on Writing Groups, Conferences, and Building Community

Introverts Can Find Community Too!

In a post on DIY MFA, JJ Graham offers advice for introverts seeking an online writing community. "It’s terrifying as an introvert to put yourself...

It’s Tough Out There, Kid: Learn to Make Your Own Opportunities

The days when a (white, male) writer could rely on talent and perseverance to create a writing career are long gone. While a lucky...

Who are Your Writing Mentors?

Harry had Dumbledore. Luke had Obi-Wan and Yoda. But who is your writing mentor? "Whether it's craft, career, or creativity advice, we benefit from being...

You Have to Give to Get a Squad

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Kay Ross offers advice on finding your creative squad. "One's creative 'squad' is so important, but...

When It’s Time to Leave Your Writing Group

It can be hard finding a writers group that fits your goals, personality, and skill level. There are many online and in-person groups, and...

Tips for Finding Writers’ Communties Online

In a new post, Mary Carroll Moore shares tips for finding an online writing group in a post-COVID world. "If you're working on a...

Can’t Find a Writing Community? Start Your Own!

We share a lot of articles about finding community among other writers and creative people. Writers tend to be a solitary lot and even...

Who’s On Your Writer’s Playground Team?

In a post on DIY MFA, Julie Carrick Dalton says there are five friends every writer needs. "Writers love to talk about their books, their friends’s...

8 Tips for Good Beta Reading

The best way to find writer friends to read and critique your work, is to be a writer friend who reads and critiques work. In...

Kill Your Darling Beta Readers

Our theory of writing advice is that the only good advice is the advice that works for you. Everyone has their own idea of...


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