Mystery Writers: Be Disciplined, Meticulous, and Ruthless

In an article for Writer's Digest, Stephanie Kane says that she learned a lot about writing mysteries from studying the work of Frances Glessner...

Create a Character Arc by Deconstructing Your Sleuth

In a new blog post, mystery writer Zara Altair says that while your mystery sleuth may not have a traditional character arc - need...

7 Movies About Creepy Cults (And What They Can Teach You...

Having been raised in a creepy cult from birth through high school (I won't say which!), this editor finds movies featuring fringe religions or...

Conflict Drives Your Mystery Novel

In a new blog post, mystery writer Zara Altair suggests ways to create conflict in your mystery novel. Unlike the heroes of thrillers or...

Why Body Horror Grips Readers (and How to Write It)

Caitlin Starling continues making the rounds to promote her book The Death of Jane Lawrence, most recently appearing in CrimeReads with an article about...

Why Historical Mysteries May Require Careful Research

Writing historical fiction presents creative challenges distinct from other types of fiction. Adding genre elements - such as a mystery - can complicate your...

Does Your Magic System Have Rules?

Everyone loves magic but not everyone understands the rules. It's easy to write about wizards who pull spells out of the air higgledy-piggledy, but...

Pace Your Mystery, Sustain Tension

Every story requires the writer to pay attention to pacing, but none more than the mystery novel. Your literary novel might get away with...

Why Do Readers Love a Mystery?

We've said it recently: Every story has an element of mystery. In a recent interview with the Creative Penn podcast, Jonah Lehrer discusses his...

Know Your Enemy…and Beat the Crap Out of It

Writing fight scenes between two human characters is difficult enough. We've all marveled at the way action movie protagonists can take massive amounts of...


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