Do You Really Really Know Your Villain?

In a post on the SFWA blog, writer Michael Moore (not that one), says that SF writers can create stronger villains by thinking like...

Noir and SF: A Complimentary Pairing

Classic examples of SF/mystery mashups include Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and its resulting film adaptation, Bladerunner, as well as...

Paula Hawkins: Mysteries Can Be More Than Black and White

Some of our favorite novels have ambiguous endings, or fail to wrap up events in the tidiest manner. Tana French's debut novel, In the...

The Rules of Magic Realism

A headline on Electric Lit promises a "master class on magic realism" and the lengthy article by Marie-Helene Bertino delivers. Bertino eschews definitions and...

Use Micro-Tension to Build Reader Anticipation

Tension is key to narrative drive, the element that keeps readers turning pages. If you're writing a mystery novel, you might think that your...


Go Out with a Bang!

Creating Tension

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