The Rules of Magic Realism

A headline on Electric Lit promises a "master class on magic realism" and the lengthy article by Marie-Helene Bertino delivers. Bertino eschews definitions and...

The Special Challenge of Magical Violence

Fight choreography is a tough skill to master. In addition to pacing and description, writers need a basic understanding of the effects of violence...

Tips for Writing Fantastic Noir

In a post on the SFWA blog, May Haddad offers advice for blending noir with fantastist genres. "Fantastic noir is a subgenre that blends film...

2000 Years of Dragons

In a new episode of Lit Hub's History of Literature podcast, host Jake Wilson and writer Scott Bruce discuss how dragons have appeared in...

Every Tale is a Mystery

A sense of mystery is at the heart of every story, regardless of genre. At the outset, you don't know where the story is...

How to Write Four Legs Good!

Anthropomorphized animals are common in children's books, YA, and of course animated film, but also pop up often enough in science fiction and fantasy...

Worldbuilding for Urban Fantasy

In an article for Writer's Digest, Steve McHugh shares five tips for writing urban fantasy. Stick to the Rules of the World You’ve Created. That sounds...

Add a Dose of Magic Realism to Your Writing

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Ellen Buikema offers tips for using magic realism in your fiction. "Magical Realism portrays the real world with...

Can Your Fantasy World Benefit from a Sense of Awe?

In a post on the SFWA blog, Gabriel Murray discusses ways your fantasy novel can benefit from a sense of the numinous. "The numinous was...

The Pirate Code

Heritage Daily shares some interesting facts about the Pirate Code that might come in handy for writers in the trendy pirate genre. Despite their reputation...


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