Editing and Revisions

Hone Your Work to its Very Best Form

Peter Ho Davies on the Art of Revision

In the latest episode of Write-minded: Weekly Inspiration for Writers podcast, the hosts are joined by Peter Ho Davies (The Art of Revision), who offers...

Your Manuscript is Ready, but is it Ready-Ready?

Revising a complete manuscript is a difficult task. Even when we know what needs to be done, it can be hard to know how...

3 Critical Questions for Creating a Strong Story Structure

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Susan DeFreitas suggests three questions you should ask yourself before you begin drafting or revising your...

When to Edit Depends on Which Edit You Want

In a post on DIY MFA, Jeanette Smith discusses when you should start editing your work. "Is it okay to edit before we’re done...

Are Beta Readers Any Good?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Barbara Linn Probst offers advice on how and when to use beta readers and whom to ask. "Typically,...

How to Frankenstein Together Multiple Drafts

In a new post, Janice Hardy offers advice for piecing together multiple drafts of a manuscript. "Some novels are really hard to revise," she...

How Can You Edit Your Work When You Don’t Know How...

In an Ask the Editor column in Jane Friedman's blog, Tiffany Yates Martin responds to a reader who wonders how a beginning writer can...

Editing Tips: Maps, Crutch Words, and Transitions

In a guest post on Writers in the Storm, Janice Hardy shares three tips for editing your novel. "While there’s something exciting about writing...

When It’s Time to Break Up With Your Story

In another Q&A on his blog, George Saunders answers a letter from a writer who wants to know when it's time to abandon a...

Critiques Today, Editing Tomorrow

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Grace Bialecki offers advice for accepting feedback gracefully and taking time to absorb it. "As writers, we...


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