What’s On Your KDRI List?

Image by mohamed_hassan via Pixabay

In a post on Killzone, James Scott Bell throws in his two-cents on the time management question for writers.

Bell uses the ABC method, with A being “must do”, B equaling “want to do”, and C assigned to “can wait.” While that can help you prioritize on your most important life tasks, you may find that your “want to do” list keeps expanding. In this post, Bell suggests a different approach, which he calls KDRI: Know, Do, Read, Ideas.

Under K, Bell lists items he wants to learn about. The Do list includes his work in progress, his next project, blog posts, and other projects. It also includes fun things and places he’d like to go. The Read list – duh – contains books and articles he wants to read. The Ideas time is set aside for creativity, brainstorming ideas for future stories.

“Each day I look at the columns and write my priority list, as described above,” Bell says. “I include exercise time, eating time, a power nap, and leave some time for discretionary goofing around.”