Voice Part 2: Inner Voice Needs Encouragement and Nurturing

Image by Julio Cesar costa The Megament from Pixabay

In the second part of an article for the Stage 32 blog, playwright Chris Morley continues his examination of the concept of voice (read Part 1 here). Morley suggests that voice isn’t the way you write or the tone you use, but the inner voice that guides you in the creative process. It helps you choose projects that are important to you and lets you know when something isn’t working. Voice is “”the deepest, most creative and trusted part of us that knows,” Morley says. “It is capable of deep insights and creative inspiration and can lead us to new levels of artistic expression and personal success.”

However, voice must be nurtured and encouraged. For Morley, that meant listening when his gut told him that portions of his draft play script weren’t working or could be better. He also learned to ask his voice to identify the problems. “Each time your Voice speaks, the stronger and clearer its guidance and the better your work becomes,” he says. “The cycle for revision does get shorter.”