Truth is a Powerful Antidote for Our Times

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In a post on Writer Unboxed, John Kelley discusses the importance of writing the truth, about our lives and events around us.

“A recent spike in book banning fervor, highlighted by egregious moves in both the Texas legislature and at a recent Virginia school board meeting, hit me particular hard,” Kelley writes. “For this reason, I am diverting from discussing craft today to return to a simple truth, one I have been needing to hear. Times of profound mistrust are when people most need to hear the truth, your truth.”

How can you do that? Kelley suggests writing one true thing each day. “Perhaps you can capture an honest emotion in a scene for your work in progress, anything from soaring joy to searing agony to simple laughter, whatever is needed in service to your tale,” he explains. “Whatever it is, express one thing that captivates your mind, and share the fruits of your efforts with friends, family or fans, be they a mere handful or an audience of thousands.”

Second, he urges us to write with joy. “The important thing is to turn away from the drumbeat of negativity. Instead, seek joy. We need our strength to fight the good fights, now more than ever,” Kelley says. Finally, he asks us to support each other. “For all the worries dominating our weary world, we are also experiencing the rise of personal storytelling, offering greater opportunities for those historically on the edges – or off the page entirely – to share their experiences. Some feel threatened by that, while others exploit those fears,” Kelley writes. “It is our duty as writers to support efforts to expand the horizons of storytelling, for a broader tapestry of voices yields a stronger society.”