Tips for Tuning Your Mind to Story

Image by geralt from Pixabay

As writers, it’s important that we continually look for inspiration in the world around us. Story ideas are everywhere. Most of the time, you don’t even need to look for them. You merely need to observe.

“Inspiration can strike at any time,” says Monica Corwin in a post on Writers in the Storm. “The key is staying open and ready for whenever the muse pops in.” Her tips for staying open include:

  • Do something relaxing, mundane, or repetitive. So-called boring tasks can free your mind to wander creatively.
  • Get some outside time to recharge.
  • Engage in a creative activity outside your regular form. If you write, create some art or knit.
  • Spend time with other creatives.
  • Collect things that inspire you, including quotes, pictures, or objects that make you feel good.