The Sum of the Writing Group is Greater than Its Parts

Image by David Condrey from Pixabay

In an article on DIY MFA, four writers who met on the site discuss how they use their diverse knowledge, skills, and personalities to help them mesh as a writing group. “Our different approaches show us, up-close, other ways of writing, allowing us to challenge ourselves to write better,” they write. “We absorb each other’s knowledge and make it work for us.”

Working together as a group has helped them create:

  • Stronger accountability
  • Stronger self-belief
  • Positivity
  • New writing skills and strengths

The writers also found balance in their strengths and weaknesses. The grammar maven helped the writer struggling with fiction-specific rules and the word-count masters urged on the writer who found it difficult to finish a project. A writer with technical expertise has learned from those who are strong in character and reader connection. Fortunately, they share values and moral compasses.

“When it comes to writing, having these three other voices helps us step out of our own tunnel vision about our stories,” they write. “No, we don’t always follow each other’s advice—about life or writing. But we do stop to think about what rings true.”