Set Goals, Not Resolutions

Image by Eliza from Pixabay

In a new blog post, Tiffany Yates Martin says she’s tired of annual New Year’s resolutions. “I generally reject even the structure of making a resolution that starts on the arbitrarily designated stroke of midnight December 31 and is supposed to carry us till the next rotation of the Earth around the sun—but I am a big fan of structure and deadlines in general,” she says.

That her goals and plans don’t always line up with the calendar is no biggie. Yates Martin sets the schedule that makes sense for her goals and intentions. “Those two things go hand-in-hand for me: I regularly reexamine my business practices, my mission statement, and my plans for growing FoxPrint, and based on that I think about what I’d like to focus my energies on going forward, both concretely and more ephemerally,” she writes. “My intangible intentions involve saying yes to more “life” things and no to more work things.”

So, set your goals on January 1 if you want. If you don’t, plan with intention and choose the schedule that works for you.