Seek Beauty in Your Creative Imperfections

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Mihaela Ivan Holtz says that perfectionism can push you out of your creative flow. Periods of creative flow can seem effortless and magical. “Just like a river flowing from its source into the world, it feels right,” Holtz says. But often, something – a comment, a review, a bad memory – will drag us to shore.

Somehow you’re thinking that you don’t have what it takes, you’ll make a mistake, or you won’t get anywhere,” Holtz writes. You lose your creative flow. Suddenly, you’ll looking for approval outside yourself. Instead of creating freely, you want to prove something. You crave validation and approval. You want to show the world that you’re perfect, but the very chase reminds you that you are imperfect and you disconnect from your creativity.

“Rather than being about the desire to do everything right, perfectionism is a longing for real connection,” Holtz says. However, that’s not how you make connections. Your important connections are internal, and this includes a connection to your weaknesses and flaws. Perfectionism prevents you from working with your shadows and ultimately, from connecting with your audience. Instead of feeling confident enough to share your work, you feel inadequate.

“Ultimately, perfectionism is the hunt for something that doesn’t exist,” Holtz says. “The more you chase this elusive perfection, the more lost and empty you feel. Slowly, it stills your courage, your inspiration, your motivation.”

Instead, seek the beauty in your imperfections and use your creative energy to polish them. “What you feel inside projects into your creativity, and the audience is invited to engage with your art,” Holtz says. “This real connection is what moves you forward and enables you to create beautiful art that’s rooted in your humanity and uniqueness.”

Holtz offers strategies for engaging your imperfections including connecting authentically with your intimate hopes and fears; taking healthy risks; and staying connected to both your journey and your ultimate destination at the same time.