Preach! (Without Getting Preachy)

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If you’re feeling like the world has been veering from one crisis to another for the last 2 years, you’re not alone. Big topics aren’t limited to theoretical global concerns but personal issues of safety and well-being. The political is not only personal, it’s a matter of life and death, for ourselves and the planet.

As an individual, you might feel there’s nothing you can do to help tackle these problems. But as a writer, you have a powerful tool at your disposal: your creative voice.

In a post on Jane Friedman’s blog, Susan DeFreitas offers advice for writing about important topics and crafting stories that can make a difference.

Most importantly, she recommends you keep the human element at the forefront. Get beyond the slogans and show how a problem affects one or more of your characters.

DeFreitas also urges you to approach your topics with an open mind. Don’t assume you know all the answers. Ask why you believe what you do and challenge the information you used to reach your conclusion. Be brave enough to investigate opposing beliefs and don’t cast characters who disagree with you as the villain or town dolt.