Paranormal Fiction Has its Own Rules

Image by Carlos Desco Coll from Pixabay

There’s more to paranormal fiction than ghosts or aliens. In an article for Writer’s Digest, Veronica G. Henry suggests five tips writers should keep in mind when tackling this sub-genre of fiction. “Take a moment to look around you,” she says. “Think about the world as it exists today. The species that populate the planet. What we know about science and technology and perhaps their current limitations. Then spin all that on its ear.” Henry’s advice includes:

  • Do Your Research. “Just because you are creating a world very different than the real one doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do your research,” Henry says. Books, articles, and real-world experts can help you get your details right, whatever your story.
  • Consider Paranormal Settings. “One of the first things you’ll need to decide is where your story will take place,’ Henry writes. “Earth or space? A fictional city or a slightly alternate real one? And in each of these scenarios, what elements from the current, known world will be incorporated into the narrative?”
  • Respect Your Magic System. Once you establish your magic system for your reader, you shouldn’t break your own rules. Otherwise, you risk throwing the reader right out of your story.
  • Develop Your Characters and Plot. Your protagonist doesn’t have to be likable, but should be compelling, Henry advises. Their abilities should support them on their journey but shouldn’t be a Get out of Trouble Free card.
  • Write and Rewrite. There’s no avoiding the editing and revision process. “I learned that getting that first draft down, without editing myself was the best approach,” Henry says. “The real magic, no pun intended, happens later. Something really rewarding happens during those multiple rounds of editing. My characters revealed quirks in their personalities that I didn’t know existed. I found and corrected plot holes the size of a small country. And I was able to hone both my paranormal setting and character abilities.”