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Actions Create Waves

In a post on Writers Helping Writers, Lisa Poisso says that showing the consequences of your characters' actions can help weave your plot and...

Finding the Trouble Spots Around Your Crutch Words

In a new post, Janice Hardy suggests some simple edits that can strengthen your writing. Hardy suggests looking for weak or filter words in...

The Romance in Every Story

As they look back on their year of podcasts, the Writing Excuses hosts talk about using elements of romance in your story, even if you...

Connecting Your Real-World Experiences to Fantastical Worlds

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, John Mezes says joining your personal history and a fantastical world can help you explore and...

What Can You Do With a Novella?

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Tara Deal discusses the perks and challenges of writing novellas and what to do once you've...

Is Every Story a War Story?

In a post on the Killzone blog, James Scott Bell suggests that every story is a war story. He quotes writer Nancy Kress as...

Why You Should Write a Novella

In an article for Writer's Digest, Tara Deal shares why writers and readers should try novellas, including four tips for writing them. "Everyone talks...

The Benefits of Outlining

In a post on ScreenCraft, Ken Miyamoto offers advice on outlining your screenplay and why you should. "Outlining a screenplay allows you to draft your...

Too Much Interiority or Too Little?

In a recent post, September Fawkes examines interiority, and how to know if you're using too much or too little. "Interiority is everything that...

Creating Human Moments

In a new post on Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass offers advice on avoiding sequential narration, the tendency of writers to follow their characters through...


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