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A Great Fight Scene Happens Inside Your Character’s Head Too

Good craft work will make or break a fight scene. Bad writing can leave a physical conflict flat on the page, while superior work...

Middles and Conflicts with M.I.C.E. Structure

In their latest podcast, the Writing Excuses hosts examine the MICE elements (Milieu, Inquiry, Character, and Event) in the context of the difficult middle...

Petty Slights or Systemic Violence: Vengeance Writing Can Help You Vent, Reveal, Connect

Writers often joke about the role revenge plays in their writing. "Don't piss me off," they'll say, "or I'll kill you off in my...

How Much Honesty Can Your Writing Stand?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Jim Dempsey writes about giving a colleague feedback on stories that fictionalize real people and events. The colleague...

The Value of Research: Reimagining Historical Figures

Writers of historical fiction often discover interesting tidbits to flavor their novels or events that alter the direction of their plot. Sometimes, they learn...

Nobel Laureate Wisława Szymborska on Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Writing

For many years, Polish poet and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature Wisława Szymborska dispensed anonymous writing advice in a regular column...

Why Body Horror Grips Readers (and How to Write It)

Caitlin Starling continues making the rounds to promote her book The Death of Jane Lawrence, most recently appearing in CrimeReads with an article about...

Top 10 Writing Lessons from Joan Didion

You could fill a book - or several - on what writers could learn from the brilliant Joan Didion. Sara Davidson picks her top...

Why Historical Mysteries May Require Careful Research

Writing historical fiction presents creative challenges distinct from other types of fiction. Adding genre elements - such as a mystery - can complicate your...

Your Novel’s SWAG: MacGuffins

The Maltese Falcon. The plans for the Death Star. The money in Pulp Fiction and Psycho. The Ark of the Covenant, sought by Nazis...


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