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5 Tips for an End-of-Year Creative Review

It's that time of year - time for reflection and planning. In a post on the Stage 32 blog, S.K. Valenzuela says the New...

Stories Are About Why

In an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, writer Lisa Cron talks about the importance of story, including what stories are really about and...

Writing Rules are Meant to be Broken

This blog is a firm believer of the tenet that rules are made to be broken. This includes the alleged rules of writing. Name...

Narrative Promises Create Structure

The Writing Excuses podcast starts a new 8-episode series on promises and expectations. With their guest hosts - Kaela Rivera, Sandra Tayler, and Megan Lloyd - they...

Leave Your Adverbs Here

Adverbs have their advocates, but most writers use them sparingly, if at all. We don't go for hard and fast rules on this site,...

Chris d’Lacey: To be a Writer, You Have to Write

The Writers Write blog shares Chris d'Lacey's Top 10 writing tips. Here's a few: To be a writer, you have to write. Often. Write...

The Mystery of Sex

Mysteries and thrillers often have a romantic or sexy subplot. From James Bond's many sexual liaisons to the happily married Nick and Nora Charles,...

Consider Essayists as Models for Connection

In a post on the Killzone blog, PJ Parrish says that fiction writers can learn lessons from great essayists about connecting with their readers. Essay...

Deliberate, Don’t Default

In their final episode of their series on worldbuilding, the Writing Excuses hosts discuss how to insert originality by deliberately avoiding defaults, cliches, and...

Prompt: Finding Sparks in Randomness

During an interview with the Write the Book podcast, Joy Cohen suggests a writing prompt popular with her students. First, create a list of...


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