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Do You Plot or Pants Your Writing Goals?

It's the time of year for plans and goals and trying new things. It's also a good time to shake up your goal setting...

Building a Consistent Writing Practice

If you didn't meet your writing goals in 2021, don't fret. There's still time in 2022! You might need to update your habits though....

How to Prop Up Your Story

In a post on Writing Forward, Melissa Donovan offers some writing exercises that can help you figure out how to integrate physical objects into...

Not All 24 Hours are Created Equal

Like all good introverts, we hate change. But we will begrudgingly admit that sometimes we need to change and it's often for the better. In...

Keep Writing Even as the World is Ending

A recurring theme on this year's writing blogs has been how bad the last two years have sucked. You'd be forgiven for thinking the...

Pandemic Year 3: We Need Art More Than Ever

If you're like us, the last two years have seen you bounce back and forth between luxurious bursts of creative energy and periods of...

Tick Tock – Are You Ever Going to Finish That Novel?

To be a writer, you need only write. Sit down, put pen to paper, and voila. You are a writer of something. But to...

Focus Your Writing Goals on What You Control

We're a proponent of setting goals. They don't have to be too detailed and you shouldn't beat yourself up if you miss some, but...

The Powerful Writing Lessons in Urban Legends

We've all heard the stories. The hook in the car handle. The man in the bathtub with no kidneys. Rod Stewart... never mind. In an...

Break the Hero’s Journey to Tell a Story of Your Own

In an article for Lit Hub, Tiphanie Yanique talks about how she used the Hero's Journey structure to tell a story Joseph Campbell was unlikely...


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