Advice for Creating Your Own Graphic Novel
As a kid who constantly caught flak for reading comic books, it's been heartening to watch the graphic novel mature and take its place...
Use Place to Pull Your Reader In
In a new article for Writer Unboxed, Beth Havey continues her examination of place in fiction. "Think of place as the establishing shot in...
Advice for Blocking Distractions and Getting Focused
The New Year is a good time to think about your writing habits and make adjustments that can help you reach your goals. In...
Tiphanie Yanique: the Politics of Road Stories
In a post on Lit Hub, Tiphanie Yanique examines the "on the road" novel: a story that takes its characters on a road trip...
Joanne Harris: How Teaching Shaped Her Writing
In an article for CrimeReads, Joanne Harris (Chocolat) says that her career as a teacher shaped her writing.
Early in her teaching career, Harris taught...
Worldbuilding in Hard and Soft SF
In a post on Writers in the Storm, Joseph Lallo tackles worldbuilding for science fiction novels, which can be a lot of fun while...
Build Your Own Literary Canon
In a recent post, Moriah Richard continues Writer's Digest's series of articles on what not to do. This time, they recommend that beginning writers...
How Much Does an Editor Cost?
In a helpful post on DIY MFA, Jeannette Smith breaks down what you can expect to pay a professional editor for helping you develop,...
You Gotta Give ‘Em Hope
In a post on the SFWA blog, Holly Schofield wonders if modern science fiction needs to be continually dark or if we can expect...
Be Yourself to Find Your Voice
In a post on Writer's Digest, Robert Lee Brewer says there's only one way to discover your writing voice: Write.
"There is only one true way...