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How Dice Were Used In Divination

We generally limit our use of dice to table top games, but historically, they have been used in spellcasting and divination. Having evolved from...

Mindset Tools for Writers

If you're using the turn of the new year to reassess your creative goals and continuous learning, you're not alone. In a post on...

Your Witch’s Legal Rights

In response to reports that the Scottish government plans to pardon people—mostly women—convicted under the terms of the Witchcraft Act of 1563, Legal History...

Demystifying Deep POV

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Lori Brown helps us define Deep Point of View and crack the code to writing it...

Cut Filler and Crutch Words to Streamline Your Story

Filler and crutch words are the bane of any writer's craft. Many of us could cut 10 percent from our manuscript by cutting out...

2000 Years of Dragons

In a new episode of Lit Hub's History of Literature podcast, host Jake Wilson and writer Scott Bruce discuss how dragons have appeared in...

What Fights Can Do For Your Story

In an article for Writer's Digest, Carla Hoch discusses what fight scenes can do for your story, including providing options you might not have...

Who is Interred in the Fairy Coffins of Arthur’s Seat?

Discovered in 1836 on the slopes of Arthur's Seat, a hill near Edinburgh, Scotland, the Fairy Coffins are a set of mysterious miniature coffins,...

Alice McDermott: Connection is the Reason We Read and Write

During a conversation with Lit Hub's First Draft: A Dialogue of Writing podcast, Alice McDermott talks about her new book of essays on writing,...

That’s a Killer Idea

It's common for new writers to ask veterans where they get their ideas. There are a million answers to this question and also no...


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