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History’s Greatest Jinx?

One man was present at the assassinations of both President Abraham Lincoln and President James Garfield, some sixteen years apart. Before reading his extraordinary circumstances,...

Who’s Buried in the Dragon Slayer’s Tomb?

St. Mary Magdalene church in Lyminster, West Sussex, alleges to house the grave marker of a dragon slayer who rid the town of a...

Write What You Feel to Create a Fulfilling Reader Experience

Writers are given a lot of advice for creating a true experience for their readers. Write what you know. Write what you feel. But...

Road Trip for Fun and Inspiration!

When writer Nick Petrie got stuck for ideas for his new novel, he loaded up his camping gear and took a road trip. "Now, I...

Start with What You Love

We admit to being intimidated by the amount of work involved in writing historical fiction. From choosing an era and topics and characters to...

Yes, You Can Improve Your Writing with Practice

If you're following this blog, you likely want to learn to improve your writing. We do, too. But what's the best way to go...

The Adventures of History’s Youngest Pirates

We love kid gangs - from the Nazi fighters of 1940s comics to super-hero sidekicks, from the Goonies to Dumbledore's Army, kid gangs are...

She Was (Probably) Not Amused

Purportedly the favorite dish of Queen Victoria, Brown Windsor soup was a thick meat soup popular during the era. It's referenced in Harry Potter-...

How to Love Your Writing

This editor admits he is greatly confused by writers who hate writing. Dorothy Parker famously said, "I hate writing but I love having written."...

Slow and Steady Often Wins the Literary Race

Lit Hub shares a few excerpts from Annie Dillard's instructional book, The Writing Life.  In these passages, Dillard skewers the modern taste for writing excess,...


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