Using the Past as Historical Backdrop for Your Novel
In a post on Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass discusses the difference between the past and a character's back story.
"Back story is events, usually adverse, that...
Building a Better Serial Killer
In a post on Writers in the Storm, Eldred Bird offers advice on creating serial killers using the same tools the FBI's Behavioral Analysis...
Amor Towles: Historical Fiction Needs Backdrop, Not Hyper-Realism
In an interview with Lit Hub, writer Amor Towles discusses his process for creating realistic historical settings in his novels.
Towles approaches his settings as...
Take a Break From Writing to Get Back in Touch
The modern writing community - mostly online - uses word count and pages written as the all but exclusive measure of productivity. But there's...
Reinvent Your God in Your Own Image
You probably haven't heard of Julian of Norwich, whose first-person account of religious visions - Revelations of Divine Love - is the earliest surviving...
It’s Not Just COVID – We’re Missing 1 Billion Years of Time
An article on Vice says that scientists believe they've identified the reason for a billion years of missing information from the fossil record. We...
Peter Ho Davies: Use Revision to Reflect on Your Story’s Possibilities
In a conversation with Lit Hub's First Draft podcast, Peter Ho Davies talks about his latest book, The Art of Revision, and why we...
Characters Need Work? Look Them in the Eye
In a post on the Killzone blog, James Scott Bell says describing a character's eyes can reveal a lot about your viewpoint character and...
Writer’s Block: A Thing or Not a Thing?
Writer's block: Is it a thing? Or a figment of your imagination?
We're of the opinion that writer's block is not a diagnosable condition but...
Crafting an Accurate Magic Wand
An article on Strange Ago examines the historical uses of the witch's wand, helpful information for anyone writing fantasy or historical fiction.
Common material for...