Enough About Me. What Do You Think About Me? Using Narcissists in Your Writing
In a post on the Writer Write blog, Anthony Ehlers examines the various types of narcissists and how you can use them as antagonists...
Your Life is Not a YouTube Video – You Don’t Need Comments
One of the hardest parts of writing is turning off the voices in your head - not your characters but the rotten voices telling...
The First Social Network
Fifty thousand years ago, people in Africa traded beads for necklaces and bracelets as a form of social contact, according to an article on...
Where Will You Go After Death?
Elmer McCurdy was an outlaw who met an untimely end at the hand's of law enforcement in 1911, according to a post on History...
The Genius of Toni Morrison
In an excerpt from her introduction to the reissue of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, Bernardine Evaristo discusses the lessons she learned reading the...
How to Help Your Character Disclose Trauma
Relating your character's backstory requires you to find the right moment in your story and the right method. If you go too soon, you...
Let Your Characters Describe Your Setting
In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, editor Joe Ponepinto offers advice that can help your story stand out in the slush pile.
How to Write Four Legs Good!
Anthropomorphized animals are common in children's books, YA, and of course animated film, but also pop up often enough in science fiction and fantasy...
That’s a Lot of Color
Artist Concetta Antico sees the world a bit differently than the rest of us, and not merely because of artistic license. Antico is a...
Oh, Florida Man
The Florida Man meme goes back way further than we could ever have imagined, according to an article on Second Glance History.
According to newspaper...