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Did Researchers Find the Balm of Gilead?

Researchers have successfully cultivated a thousand year old seed found in the Judean desert, and may have recreated the Biblical "tsori" tree, which was...

Use Myths and Legends to Charge Your Writing

In an article for Writer's Digest, Emily Lloyd-Jones shares five ways to use myths and legends in your writing. "You can find mythology-inspired fiction...

Using Tension to Create an Immersive Story World

In this episode, the Writing Excuses host discuss the importance of tension in creating an immersive story world. They talk about using tropes and techniques...

Small Details Can Create Big Emotional Ripples

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Lisa Miller writes that small details in your setting can pack a big emotional punch. "Setting is...

Top Tips for Mystery Fiction Writers

In an article for Writer's Digest, Harry Hunsicker shares his top tips for writing modern day detective fiction, four to cover the basics and four...

More on Dramatic Tension

In their latest episode, the Writing Excuses hosts continue their discussion on tension, this time focusing on the importance of creating tension in an...

Three Lessons from ‘The Penguin’ Pilot

In a post on ScreenCraft, Jo Light identifies three writing lessons from the first episode of HBO's The Penguin. A comic-book Sopranos, the show...

3 Step Plan For Rewriting

In a post on Industrial Scripts, Emily J shares a three-step plan for rewriting your draft. "Going through notes and knowing how to approach...

Get Uncomfortable

In the latest episode of DIY MFA Radio, Gabriela Pereira says that writers need to get comfortable with the idea of being uncomfortable. Specifically, she...

Tips for Writing Children in Danger

In an article for Writer's Digest, Jen Craven shares four principles for writing stories about children in danger. "As a writer, there’s a unique...


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