Loosen Up with Writing Prompts

Image by Ashraf Chemban from Pixabay

In a post on the BookBaby blog, Janna Lopez says writing prompts can unlock your creativity when you’re stuck. “Everything is a prompt. Yes, everything!” she says. “I believe our senses can unearth a plethora of inspiration if we understand how to harness and release them to our creative advantage.”

Even a random object can be a prompt, as everyone has a different experience with neutral concepts like broom, clock, or candle. “On some level, there’s a feeling, thought, or memory that’s evoked,” Lopez writes. “In other words, it makes room for whatever the word means, feels, or implies to you.” Visual cues – photos or paintings – can evoke similar responses, as what we bring to and take from the image is unique.

“Writing prompts bypass the logic of our mind — the expectation of production or results — and allow an intuitive response or reaction, which is where our brightest creativity comes from,” Lopez says. “A prompt merely sparks unfettered access to your experience library by way of object, word, or memory association.” The spontaneity of prompts therefore create a freer, unplanned creative experience.

Lopez suggests three prompts to loosen up your creativity:

  • Listen to music on shuffle. “As you listen to the song that comes up, free-write on anything and everything the song evokes — thoughts, feelings, ideas,” Lopez suggests. write down any memories the song brings up and consider its meaning.
  • Raid the fridge. Grab something from your refrigerator and go through a similar exercise. Does the food bring up any memories or other connotations? What does it say to you?
  • Go outside. “Without overthinking what you see, hear, smell, or notice, write what comes to you,” Lopez says.
  • Google. Pick a random word or phrase and see what images pop up in Google (or other engine) search. Pick a few and free write.