Is This the Year You Get Around to Beating Procrastination?

Image courtesy Geralt

Procrastination has censored more novels than any government. In a post on DIY MFA, Disha Walia offers six tips to beating this habit.

“If you have trouble persuading yourself to do things you would like to or should do, welcome to the club of procrastinators,” Walia says. Her tips include:

  • Rewards. Create benefits to discipline. If your willpower is lacking, leave a trail of treats that you can have once you’ve finished whatever writing task you have.
  • 2-minute Tasks. If you have a bad procrastination habit, identify a few things you can finish in two minutes. Anyone can take two minutes for something, right?
  • Share your goals. Pick a few small goals and commit to them publicly, even if that means just a few friends.
  • Start fresh. If you sit at your desk to write but end up procrastinating, sit somewhere else for a while.
  • Be consistent. The opposite of the above trick, consistency helps you develop a habit of productivity. Adopt a mindset that tells you that a certain time of day or a certain place is for writing, nothing else. Keep a calendar and stay accountable.
  • Make a daily list. Long lists can be intimidating and actually encourage procrastination. Make short daily lists and get the endorphin kick every time you cross something off.