Indy v. Belloq was Only the Beginning

Paul Freeman as René Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark

An article in the Daily Grail examines the ugly competition between alternative and mainstream archaeology, the basis for a gritty action-adventure thriller if we ever heard one!

The conflict between traditional and ‘fringe’ archaeology centers on claims about ancient civilizations and events based on supposition, rather than research, discovery, and observation. For example, one fringe belief suggests that a lost advanced civilization might have been destroyed by an asteroid or comet strike, and that this tragedy could happen to us. Fringe archaeology also casts traditional researchers as the enemy, arguing that they suppress information and gatekeep knowledge.

Interesting stuff for a fictional exploration. Are traditional archaeologists guilty of group think and information hoarding? Are fringe archaeologists conspiracy-addled kooks or the kind of heretics science needs to break through hidebound thinking? What happens when they stop being polite and start getting real? What happens next?