Four Tips for Using Historic Events in Your Fiction

Image by ha11ok from Pixabay

In an article for Writer’s Digest, J.B. Rivard says research and strategy can help writers use real-life historical events in their fiction, from famous figures and milestones to more common occurrences such as weather events and accidents. His advice includes:

  • Be partial. Choose events that reflect the theme of your work and describe only those parts that intersect with your characters.
  • Confirm the research. Use more than one source to confirm facts and obtain a broader view of the events.
  • Limit the fictional action. Your characters should not affect the outcome of the event. Don’t try to change the facts, unless you are writing an alternative history or other kind of speculative fiction.
  • Include the real actors. General fiction that includes historical events as a backdrop may or may not benefit from the inclusive of real-life figures, but such characters are standard in traditional historical fiction. Including real-life persons will help your novel feel more authentic.