Feel Like You’re Running Out of Time? You Are.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We don’t share too many articles on productivity, especially those focused on finding time to write, generally because they get a bit same-y after a while. How many times do you need to hear “Get up an hour early!” before you either do it or don’t? Probably once. Maybe twice.

On the other hand, we like Kristen Lamb. Like, A LOT. She’s smart, funny, and supportive, but not mommy supportive. Lamb is your no-nonsense auntie who will tell you the truth, encourage you, and kick you in the ass as the same time, and make you thank her for it. If you need advice that strips away your excuses for not taking it, she’s your go-to.

If you need a nudge in the butt, you should read the whole article. In (very) brief, Lamb says:

  • You cannot “find” time. You can only schedule it.
  • Perfection is the enemy of the finished, both in writing and life. Your house can be less than spotless and you can still sit down to write during your scheduled time.
  • Do some prep work before you write. Write a log-line or set out a list of scenes. Set a goal for your writing day.
  • Research isn’t writing. You may need the former, but don’t let it bleed into your scheduled time for the latter.
  • Do it. Keep moving forward. Write through the parts you haven’t figured out yet and work it out in the edits.

Now say thank you.