Editing on a Budget

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Continuing her Writer’s Digest series on professional editing and revisions, Tiffany Yates Martin discusses the alternatives to paying for a professional edit.

Professional editing services can be a big boon to writers, but they don’t come cheap. What can you do if there’s no room in your budget for a few thousand dollars in fees? Fortunately, Yates says you have options. “Just as you can DIY a home renovation project to save money rather than hiring expensive pros, there are ways to gather external feedback on your story that can offer you valuable guidance in executing your own editing and revision,” she writes. “As with your home-makeover project, it may entail more effort, time, and trial-and-error than if you hired a pro, but if you’re willing to take that on you can still get the job done.”

Your options include:

  • Critique groups/partners
  • Beta readers
  • Editors-in-training
  • Yourself, with the help of books, classes, and practice

Read the full article for the pros and cons of each.