Do You Need to Find Satan? Here are 5 Ways.

Image by Waldkunst from Pixabay

Do you know all the ways to summon Satan? A post on Strange Ago shares a few tips:

  • Finger Snapping. One superstition says that snapping your fingers while sitting or walking down the street is an invitation to the devil.
  • Whistling. Some believe that whistlers have been touched by Satan, because the devil enters the unsuspecting through their mouths.
  • Yawning. Have you ever wondered why people cover their mouths when they yawn? Cavities and bad breath are two reasons, but it’s also done to keep Satan from entering your body.
  • The Closet Door. In Bulgaria, some people won’t go to bed with a closet door open. An open door is an invitation to Satan.
  • Reciting the Lord’s Prayer Backwards. A common English superstition says that Satan will appear when he hears the Lord’s Prayer said in backwards order.

Whether your story deals with actual demons or metaphorical, these methods for summoning trouble could be handy.