Image Prompt: Tacoma 1910
Photos are a great reference and writing inspiration. In this post, you can find some photos of historical Tacoma, Washington, from the early 1910s....
Make Your Own Prompts!
In a post on DIY MFA, Disha Walia suggests some journaling exercises from which you can create your own writing prompts. "Here are 4 ways...
If Neptune Moves, We’re All Screwed
Did you know that if a gravitational event pushed Neptune off its current orbit by as little as .1 percent, Mercury and Venus could...
Do You Believe In Impossible Things?
This week's Write the Book prompt was suggested by interview guest, poet Shanta Lee Gander. During the podcast, Gander asked: What are your impossible things...
Who Minted These Blasphemous Coins?
In 1054, a supernova exploded in the Crab Nebula, one of only eight such phenomena in the history of the Milky Way. Eastern civilizations...
What are the Secrets of Por-Bazhyn?
Deep in Siberia, on an island in the middle of Lake Tere-Khol, sits a great fortress made of clay, known as Por-Bazhyn. Almost 1,300...
Prompts: Ripped from the Headlines!
A post on Strange Ago shares four offbeat newspaper stories that could provide an interesting prompt for your next story:
Wore a Mask and...
The Burial Rites of Seahenge
We've all heard of Stonehenge, but do you know of Seahenge? Over 4,000 years old, the timber circle known as Seahenge is a Bronze...
Like a Walk in the Park
This week's Write the Book prompt was inspired by writer J. Robert Lennon. Write a paragraph about a moment that takes place in a...
An Ancient Saudi Cultic Society Older than Stonehenge
An archaeological dig in northwestern Saudi Arabia uncovered evidence that the region was densely populated and dynamic during the Neolithic period. In a perplexing...