Did Witchcraft Help Win WW2?

Voodoo may have helped cause the downfall of Adolf Hitler, according to a 1943 article from the Detroit Evening Times shared on Strange Ago...

Singing at the Grave of John Baptist Krell

The grave marker for John Baptist Krall and his wife Sarah Selfe Krall is an interesting structure in itself: four stacked granite blocks, only...

The Lost Art of the Ghost Show

In an article on CrimeReads, Keith Roysdon examines the history of America's traveling "ghost shows." "True ghost shows were an evening’s worth of entertainment,"...

What Did You Expect to Find in Abyss Pool?

A human foot was found floating in a hot spring in the southern part of Yellowstone National Park. The foot and a shoe were...

Prompt: Small-town Feud

This week's Write the Book prompt was inspired by guest Fiona Barton. For your prompt, writer about an altercation between a small town resident...

11 Books You’ll Never Read

In a post on Mental Floss, Lorna Wallace takes a look at eleven famous books that are thought to be lost forever. "There are many...

Do You Believe These Five Creepy Story Prompts?

Techy Twist shares stories shared by Reddit users who swear these creepy things actually happened to them: I was chilling in a cafe several...

More Secrets of the Antikythera

We've shared the story of the Antikythera as a writing prompt before. But did you what else was discovered on the same shipwrecked vessel? In...

Beyond the Orient Express

The British Newspaper Archive shares 10 stories of crimes committed on trains that aren't the Orient Express. BNA provides the crimes, victims, and some suspects....

How to Host a Murder

In a post on Life Hacker, Stephen Johnson shares how he befriended a murder of crows. "I’m going to have a ton of crows—a...


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