Writing Should be Fun
In a post on Lit Hub, Jane Roper says it's time to stop hating writing and get back to having fun. "When I first...
Are You Wasting Time Reading This?
In a new post, Angela Ackerman suggests ways we can all waste less time when we write. "On one hand, we may putter a...
Who’s On Your Writer’s Playground Team?
In a post on DIY MFA, Julie Carrick Dalton says there are five friends every writer needs. "Writers love to talk about their books, their friends’s...
You Can’t Always Give 100% but You Can Give 2 Minutes
In a new post, Tiffany Yates Martin says you don't always have to do your best. "We’re inculcated, particularly in American culture, with messages...
In a Rut? Shake Up Your Routines
Most writers eventually get a little burned out - what we generally call writer's block - but we can also get into creative ruts...
Does Your Brain Needs Flushing Out?
In a post on Writer Unboxed, Kelsey Allagood says now's a good time to give your creativity a spring cleaning. "When my mind feels...
Get Perspective on Your Writerly Anxiety
In a post on DIY MFA, Julie Slaughter shares her experiences with anxiety and offers tips for how to manage through it. "What’s so dangerous...
Be Positive!
In a post on Killzone, Sue Coletta offers advice on adopting a writing mindset. For Coletta, this mindset starts first thing in the morning....
Introverts Can Find Community Too!
In a post on DIY MFA, JJ Graham offers advice for introverts seeking an online writing community. "It’s terrifying as an introvert to put yourself...
Poets Discuss How Cinema Influences Their Work
In an article on Lit Hub, several poets share how cinema influences their work.
"A cinematic scene is orchestrated in a way that is useful...