The Writing Life

Advice on Organizing, Increasing Productivity, and Keeping the Words Flowing

Tips on Recovering from a Writing Break

Lately we've shared advice on determining when it's time to take a break from your writing and what you can do with that time...

Here’s Your Permission to Take a Break

Productivity goals. Word count challenges. NaNoWriMo. Five books a year. Write one, submit one. As a writer, you'll be forgiven if you feel like...

“The Writer You Are is Enough.”

In an interview with Lit Hub, Ruth Ozeki (A Book of Form and Emptiness) shares some of the best advice she's received about the...

Truman Capote: Voice is a Process of Self-Discovery

Truman Capote embodied the concept of "extra" before it was a thing. While we might have found his company a bit much, there's no...

Feel Like You’re Running Out of Time? You Are.

We don't share too many articles on productivity, especially those focused on finding time to write, generally because they get a bit same-y after...

How to Conquer Creativity-Killing Self-Doubt

We've all felt it: the nagging notion that we're not up to the task, that we don't have enough talent, that we're not worthy...

Cheryl Strayed: Tap Deeper Stories with Talismans

In a conversation with Lit Hub, writer Cheryl Strayed (Wild) offers her observations on the journey to publication, including her financial struggles and efforts...

Attack Your Writing When It Least Expects It

A post on the Writers Write blog shares writing advice from renowned SF forefather H.G. Wells. We love #1: "If you are in difficulties...

Is Your Writing Life Sense-Less?

More frequently than we'd like, we hear writers talk about writing as though it were some sort of torture: the sitting down, the staying...

Khanh Ha’s Advice for Writers

In a guest post on DIY MFA, writer Khanh Ha (Mrs. Rossi’s Dream) offers advice for writers on topics ranging from writing routines to...


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